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New Years Refresh

For those of you who are new to our blog or may be a little unfamiliar with what we do here at SafeHouse I wanted to give a quick refresh of who we are, what services we provide, and who we serve. SafeHouse is a 501©3 non-profit United Way organization providing critical domestic and sexual violence response, prevention and intervention programs for the communities of Shelby, Coosa, Clay, and Chilton Counties in Central Alabama. We offer free and confidential services that are designed for the individual needs of each survivor. SafeHouse is an incredibly unique organization that is focused on providing individualized comprehensive advocacy and

support for those seeking services. At SafeHouse we are so very grateful for the caring support of our community partners that allow us to offer safety, refuge, hope, healing and recovery to those who are hurting. They may never know you personally, but they will know and feel that you care. You offer light and hope into the darkness of violence.

We have come a long way since 1989. SafeHouse was founded by a group of concerned citizens who realized the great need for a domestic violence shelter in Shelby County. The original home was donated by Sherman Holland and still stands in an area located behind Wal-Mart in Pelham, AL. In 1991 a larger shelter was purchased and the community needs continued to grow. In July of 1999, the Caroline E. Jackson Child Development Center was opened, providing free daycare and prevention services for pre-school children who had witnessed domestic violence. In 2003, the SafeHouse Board of Directors launched a multi-year campaign to construct much needed facilities required to carry out our mission and meet the needs of our community. In 2007, The Caroline E. Jackson Center for Women and Children opened a 56 bed emergency shelter offering immediate safe shelter for survivors and their children. The current facility is staffed 24 hours a day and offers supportive services such as childcare, case management, safety planning, referrals and information, individual, family, and group counseling support. Along with our shelter we also have a community services and administration building located on 2060 CR 33, Pelham, AL. Here we provide services including case management, counseling, forensic examinations, volunteer support, prevention education and all of our bookkeeping and financing. Additionally, we have a full time court advocate who is located in the Shelby County Courthouse and our SAIL specialist who also works out of Shelby, Clay, and Coosa county DHR offices.

The expansion that we have experienced is beyond our dreams and due to the immense support we receive from our community, board of directors, volunteers, and donors . Because of this support we are able to host the largest residential facility for victims and survivors of domestic violence in the entire state of Alabama.

We take pride in helping all victims and survivors, over the age of 14, of domestic and sexual violence (and their dependents), regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, sex, marital status, disability, immigration status, education, residency, or socio-economic status. This includes female, male, and LGBTQAI+ identifying persons.

One of our four dearest values is that we are serving – we serve victims of domestic and sexual violence by offering a safe & nurturing environment conducive to change. We are affirming – we affirm that victims of domestic and sexual violence are not at fault and teach perpetrators to accept responsibility for their actions. We are facilitating – we facilitate partnerships within the community to better meet the needs of all victims of domestic and sexual violence. And finally we are also educating – we educate adults and adolescents throughout our service area to prevent domestic and sexual violence in the future.

Our mission is to empower survivors of domestic and sexual violence through support and advocacy and to educate the community to prevent future abuse. We strive to one day exist in a community that has eliminated domestic violence and sexual assault as a result of social change and education. In order for that to happen we need everyone to share the same message that there is help and there is hope. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, please call (205) 669-7233 to speak to a trained advocate who will assist you with any questions, services, or referrals to ensure you and your loved ones are taken care of and safe.

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